Learn about HSR Symposium

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Where: Nagasaki, Japan
When: November 18th, 2024
Organizer: Health System Global

Participating members of IDRC, FCDO and AI4GH's partner

Discover the compelling stories and images of the participating members! Their unique backgrounds and experiences will inspire you, don't miss out on learning more about them.


Plenary Sessions

Navigating Responsible AI for Equitable & Just Health Systems in the Global South

Capacity building workshops

Bridging the Gap: From AI Innovations to Healthcare Transformation in Low and middle-income countries

AI4GH International meeting

Artificial Intelligence for Global Health (AI4GH): Celebrating Achievements, Embracing Lessons, and Charting Future Directions across Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Latin America and the Caribbean. Let's harness the power of AI to transform health outcomes globally.