Dr. Shadi Saleh
Dr. Shadi Saleh is Founding Director of the Global Health Institute (GHI) at the American University of Beirut (AUB), the first such institute in the Middle East and North Africa region. In addition, he is a Professor of Health Systems and Financing. Previously, he served as an Associate Vice President for Health Affairs and as the Chairman of the Department of Health Management at Policy at AUB; and as a Professor of Health Systems at the State University of New York.

Dr. Mohannad Al Nsour
Dr. Mohannad Al-Nsour is a medical doctor and an internationally recognized expert in field epidemiology, operational research, and public health systems, and a fellow through distinction with The Faculty of Public Health at UK (FPH). Dr. Al-Nsour assumed several positions such as a notable researcher, advisor, and director during his career path. He also served as a consultant on several assignments with the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO) and the American University of Beirut (AUB).

Ms. Nour El Arnaout
Ms.Nour El Arnaout is a division manager at the Global Health Insitute at the American University of Beirut, where she also coordinates the Institutes's E-Sahha programme focused on e-health and digital health. El Arnaout has an extensive experience in projects and programs management, operational management and research, and leads the implementation of large scale field based projects in underserved communities in Lebanon including refugee settlements. Nour is a certified project management professional and holds a masters degree in public health with a specialization in health management and policy.

Dr. Nadine Sabra
Dr. Nadine Sabra is a project coordinator at the E-Sahha/Digital health program at Global Health Institute at the American University of Beirut, where she coordinates e-health and digital health projects. Nadine handles operations of field-based projects focused digital health and maternal health. She is also the coordinator of the Global Health and Artificial Intelligence Network in Middle East and North Africa (GHAIN MENA). Nadine holds a doctor of pharmacy degree.

Dr. Yousef Khader
Yousef Khader is a Distinguished Professor of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST) and the Director of the Center of Excellence for Applied Epidemiology at the Eastern Mediterranean Public Health Network (EMPHNET). He has master degrees in Public Health (Tulane University), Epidemiology (JUST), and Medical Education (Maastricht University) and doctoral degree in Biostatistics from Tulane University. He is a fellow of Faculty of Public Health of the Royal Colleges of physicians of the United Kingdom through distinction. He worked as a senior Adviser, and Dean of the Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences at Jordan University of Science and Technology.