PHC GlobalPrecision Health Consultants (PHC Global) is a Pakistani health care consultancy firm that leverages advances in genomics, data science, and digital technology to personalise health care and improve health outcomes.

They provide services in health care policy and strategy development, data analytics and informatics, and clinical research and trials. By working with government agencies, academic institutions, and private sector organizations, PHC Global is contributing to the development of a more effective, efficient, and equitable health system in Pakistan and beyond..

Official website:

AI4GH project

AI-Sarosh is a knowledge hub for the responsible use of Artificial Intelligence for Sexual, Reproductive, and Maternal Health in South Asia.

The goal is to catalyze responsible AI innovations to improve SRMH outcomes by organizing and directing the efforts of specialty companies, academic institutions, research organizations, and IT firms.


    1. Create a knowledge hub for the use of AI for SRMH in South Asia.
    2. Identify opportunities to improve SRMH outcomes in the region.
    3. Award and manage projects using AI innovations to address key challenges in SRMH.
    4. Promote knowledge sharing on the use of AI for SRMH.
    5. Catalyze a multi-disciplinary approach to solving key issues in SRMH through AI technologies.
