Dear Colleagues,  

As the year ends, the AI for Global Health Knowledge Hub team is grateful and inspired by the positive feedback and engagement with webinars and resources on the hub. Thank you for taking part, you have enriched the community. 

In the new year, there will be new resources, events and initiatives to support research in Artificial Intelligence for Global Health. These efforts will be focused on promoting ethical principles, gender inclusivity and equality. Guidance will be provided on topics such as data science, community engagement, research uptake and many more. The aim is to facilitate knowledge transfer and bridge existing gaps, ultimately to shape a more well-rounded research team. 

Our journey together enriches and empowers us through impactful in-person meetings, illuminating webinars, resource offerings, and celebratory achievements. 

AI4GH In-person meeting: Nairobi, Kenya 2023 

The International Development Research Center (IDRC) funded a 3-day meeting in Nairobi from November 13th to 15th, organized by The Global Health Network (TGHN). During the meeting, AI4GH partners discussed their achievements, milestones, best practices, and challenges related to AI-driven health solutions. They focused on improving communication, making AI-based healthcare solutions more responsible, and ensuring policy-level engagement. 
The purpose of the meeting was to establish a strong foundation for continuous collaboration and knowledge-sharing among the partners of AI4GH. The partners expressed their desire for more extensive and deeper collaborations while recognizing the diversity of talent within the network. They also acknowledged the availability of existing resources and networking opportunities, allowing for a greater scope and impact of AI solutions beyond what was initially intended. Overall, the event was a huge success and provided an excellent opportunity for participants to network, share knowledge and ideas, and collaborate on innovative solutions for global health. 

Learn more about Nairobi’s in-person meeting and the AI4GH initiative. 

Would you like to share your resources and receive credit by assigning a DOI (Document Object Identifier)? 


DOIs are digital identifiers for any object. They solve content tracking problems by providing persistent, unique identification that is easily accessible. The Global Health Network assigns DOIs to resources you share. By assigning DOIs, credit is given to you, thus promoting fairness in the scientific community.      
Please email us with your resources at   

AI for Global Health collaborators meet & greet event coming soon – are you on the collaboration map?  

Thank you so much for your interest in the initiative to facilitate networking and knowledge transfer across regions. There are now 49 members on the connect and collaborate map, highlighting the growing demand for networking opportunities. A virtual meet and greet event will be organized for registered collaborators on the AI for Global Health Knowledge Hub collaboration map soon. If you haven't registered yet, register on the Connect and Collaborate map to avoid missing this groundbreaking event. 

Grabación del seminario web: Cómo abordar las innovaciones en tecnología sanitaria: estudios de casos de África: conocimientos de empresas emergentes africanas de IA, destacando sus desafíos y soluciones.

En esta sesión informativa, los panelistas compartieron sus valiosas experiencias y conocimientos, arrojando luz sobre los obstáculos que encontraron y las estrategias que emplearon para afrontar los desafíos únicos que plantea la intersección de la IA y la atención médica. Ponte al día con las grabaciones.

AI for Global Health Research Hub featured at the National Medical Congress, Santa Rosa De Copán, Honduras.  

On Friday, 27 October 2023, Dr. Bryain Maradiaga-Mendoza, the Regional Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean at the AI for Global Health Research Knowledge Hub and Research Assistant at Antonio Vidal Institute in Honduras, a TGHN Country Centre, delivered an oral presentation at the LXV National Medical Congress in Santa Rosa de Copán, Honduras. The Honduran medical community gathers annually at this event. The presentation, which was part of the 'Experience' category was on Promoting the responsible use of artificial intelligence in health: experience building a global community of practice and Dr Bryain Maradiaga-Mendoza earned first place in the category.  

AI for Global Health Research Hub Advocates for Responsible AI at the 3rd Future of Healthcare Summit in Ghana to Policymakers: Showcasing AI Impact on Maternal Health and Collaborative Partnerships for Equitable Solutions 

On 28 November 2023, Prince Adjei, the Regional Coordinator for Africa at the AI for Global Health Research Knowledge Hub participated in the 3rd Future of Healthcare Summit in Accra, Ghana. This important event was attended by prominent policymakers, relevant stakeholders, and regulators in Ghana’s Healthcare system.  

Prince presented the AI for the Global Health Research Hub and emphasized the crucial role of collaboration and knowledge exchange in tailoring AI solutions for Ghana and Africa's unique needs. During the presentation, he also showcased an example of an AI-powered intervention that has enhanced maternal health outcomes in Kenya, supporting over 2 million mothers and delivering 89% exclusive breastfeeding for six months after delivery.  The AI-powered intervention, developed by Jacaranda Health, is not for profit and is a key partner of the AI for Global Health Research Hub, funded by IDRC.

Let's continue to explore, collaborate, and work towards achieving our shared goals. Your involvement and dedication are crucial to the success of TGHN's dynamic ecosystem. Do you have any suggestions on collaborating to promote responsible and ethical AI solutions? Please feel free to share your ideas with us by emailing 


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