Add yourself to the map to find connections and collaborate globally

Use the map and table below to find and connect with others across the world. Search and filter results using the map and table. You can view information about someone by clicking their map pin or row in the table. The information includes their email address, which you can use to reach out and start a conversation.

Are you using AI for your health research? If you have an interest or experience in using responsible AI for health research and would like to post your details on the map for others to connect with you, please fill out a short form by clicking the button below.

Registering does not commit you to any responsibilities, but by registering you consent to The Global Health Network Terms & Conditions. The aim of this facility is to foster collaborations and share knowledge in all areas of health data science by exchanging information with others across the world. Registering is free and easy.

  To remove yourself from the map, please contact us.